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Hello, I amMarcos Caldeiraand that is my Purpose!

Purp is the brand I created to express my message and my contribution to abetter world. After several experiences in the job market, 2 years ago I decided to seek my professional autonomy and found digital entrepreneurship as my area of expertise.


My trajectory

​I started working as a supermarket bagger as a teenager. After that, I worked as a cashier, stocker, telemarketer, children's event promoter, waiter, pharmacy assistant, administrative assistant, sales representative and commercial assistant.

In2013, I fell in love with the world of reading, and signed up for the UEL entrance exam for Librarianship. In 2014, after finishing high school, I started my degree in this area in the Information Science department. That same year, I was promoted from Hospital Pharmacy Assistant to Administrative Assistant, a position where I remained from 17 to 19 years old with a routine ofadministration, leadership and management

At 20 years old, I decided to interrupt the Library Science course, and the contact I had with the communication area led me to take the entrance exam forPublic relations.

I passed and started my degree in2017 and the coursePublic relations from the State University of Londrina was the best opportunity I could have at that time. During my undergraduate studies I was involved in different activities such as:

  • Presentation of the Public Relations course at the UEL career fair stand (2018);

  • Coordination group for the event "Coloring Tomorrow" in the discipline of Strategic Events in Public Relations (2018);

  • Academic Monitoring in the discipline of "Oral and Audiovisual Presentation" with guidance from Prof. Dr. Marta Terezinha Motta Campos Martins (2019);

  • Communication coordinator of the extension project "UEL em REDE" with guidance from Prof. Dr. Regina Escudero;

  • Researcher in the project "Communication and commerce: a semiotic approach"​ with guidance from Prof. Dr. Desire Blum Menezes Torres (2020);

  • Course completion work with the title: "The Impact of Digital Influencers' Communication in the Covid-19 Pandemic" with maximum grade.

The experience of studying at UEL brought me a universe ofnew possibilities. I learned about communication with professors who are references in the area and the diversity of disciplines gave me knowledge about:communication theories,semiotics, public communication, visual communication, organizational communication, marketing,entrepreneurship, administration, planning, events, among others.

IKIGAI Marketing with Purpose by Marcos Caldeira

During the internship period, I started to do some occasional work, which awakened in me the dream of havingmy own business.

After completing my training, I had professional experience in administrative and commercial areas. However, in October 2021, I decided to formalize my work as an Individual Microentrepreneur and, since then,Purp Marketing became my full-time dedication.

What was once just a dream, today has become my everyday reality.

In everything, I seek to incorporatesensitivity, empathy and purpose. I am obstinatepursuit of excellence and, for me, thegrowth mindset It is the most important pillar to undertake with persistence and constant improvement.


My information


Faculdade Metropolitana

Design Gráfico
Pós-Graduação "Latu-Sensu"


Metropolitan College

Financial management



Metropolitan College


PostgraduateThethe "Latu-Sensu"


Metropolitan College

Strategic People Management



Metropolitan College

Psychology and Social Intelligence



State University of Londrina

Public relations


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